Also, if anyone ends up seeing me around San Diego, bring me some fruit salad, maybe with pineapple, watermelon, cantaloupe, and a pinch of honeydew. Chop chop!
i'll actually be at comic-con, but you can get your own fruit, dammmit!
Since you gave me permission:"...Vacation, All I ever wanted, Vacation, Had to get away, VacationMeant to be spent alone..."Actually, looking up the song/album on Wikipedia, today's episode is somewhat reminicent of the album cover.-Comrade Chavez
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Also, if anyone ends up seeing me around San Diego, bring me some fruit salad, maybe with pineapple, watermelon, cantaloupe, and a pinch of honeydew. Chop chop!
i'll actually be at comic-con, but you can get your own fruit, dammmit!
Since you gave me permission:
"...Vacation, All I ever wanted, Vacation, Had to get away, Vacation
Meant to be spent alone..."
Actually, looking up the song/album on Wikipedia, today's episode is somewhat reminicent of the album cover.
-Comrade Chavez
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