Random Idea

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

bowling pin magician saying that you've chosen the ace of Spades (he's wrong)


Andrew Schnorr said...

Also, I'm considering using the next week, er, nine days to go through what's left of my buffer of EA Classics (such as this little piece) while creating a new series of buffers, so that on those days I just can't quite make the update, I can put up a comic that reflects my current quality, rather than how I was before Elderly Apple even began.

I'll leave it up to you. Would you rather me keep the current system of only using EA Classics as a last resort, or would you like to be inundated with a week, er, nine days of them, and then on to newer things?

Anonymous said...

Go with the classics,
Go with the classics,
Go with the classics,......

Anonymous said...

i'd say do the classics now!