Random Idea

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

robotic pig ran amok


Andrew Schnorr said...

Also, I was originally going to put a Porky Pig quote here, but I realized that people would probably mistake it as this being my last update ever. So, no reference for you!

Anonymous said...

Is this pig any relation to the one quoted by Barak Obama yesterday..

"you can put lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig"

I also think those glasses have a strange resemblance to those worn by Gov. Sarah Palin....

Anonymous said...

Ah, my favorite insult ever...And yes, I agree with Obama on this. If the repubs want to play dirty like McPalin and Co, then let 'em have war - about time that the Democrats toughen up their rhetoric.

-Comrade Chavez