Random Idea

Friday, December 26, 2008

porcupine masseuse


Andrew Schnorr said...

Also, anybody get any good loot for Christmas? Don't forget Elderly Apple's contribution, of course.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that was...interesting. I don't think I can think of the 12 days of Christmas done the normal way any more...What program did you use to create that?

Oh, and your embed joke, you thought I was bad with puns.

-Comrade Chavez

Anonymous said...

I bet this guy could do some really effective Deep Tissue Massage with those claws of his if he wanted.

Anonymous said...

Also, I want to commend you for an entirely original take on the 12 Days of Christmas. Also, your haunting rendition of the song, which will stick in my mind for some time to come.

Do I hear U-Tube calling for next year?

Anonymous said...

i'd hate to see this massage's "happy ending" ;p