Also, a one of our new readers had mentioned that all the comics tagged "Whimsy" would all make for great paintings. I personally think this one would be a wonderful Dali piece. Now, if only I could paint. :(
I'd love to lie under this and enjoy an afternoon nap... Very Cool...
wow, me likey! i'd hate to climb up that tree, though; you might run out of air. X(
This is a great idea can I borrow it XD lol
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Also, a one of our new readers had mentioned that all the comics tagged "Whimsy" would all make for great paintings. I personally think this one would be a wonderful Dali piece. Now, if only I could paint. :(
I'd love to lie under this and enjoy an afternoon nap... Very Cool...
wow, me likey! i'd hate to climb up that tree, though; you might run out of air. X(
This is a great idea can I borrow it XD lol
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