Random Idea

Friday, December 11, 2009

free-range eggs


Andrew Schnorr said...

Also, you know how some people try to make you think that those brownish types of eggs are organic and healthier for you? Not true. The incredibly-niche Egg Nutrition Board has gone on record by stating that there is no nutritional differences between the two colors of eggs. The only difference is the source: white eggs come from white chickens, brownish eggs come from brownish chickens.

As you can see, neither egg color is superior. Anyone who tries to tell you otherwise is racist.

Oh, and, um, by the way, keep an eye out for a brand new edition of the XII days of Christmas, starting...tomorrow!

jackie31337 said...

Apparently some breeds of chickens even lay blue or green eggs. I've never seen them myself, but I would imagine it would be weird to crack one of those open for breakfast.

Squall said...

Green eggs? Do they come with a complementary ham?

Chris said...

You don't know how much this made me smile. Great job!


lucas said...
