Random Idea

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

box grater ski slope


Andrew Schnorr said...

Also, that cheese on the top is actually based on a real kind. Anyone who can guess it wins an unnamed prize!

Julie said...

Danish Blue of course!

Chris said...

That top cheese: it's something nasty...

I like the expression on our orange cheese friend there, though I'm kinda bothered by the rather content mood of the yellow cheese as its legs are grated off. Maybe these stick legs have no nerves.

All in all, good one!


lucas said...

is it muenster? it's always muenster! even if it's not, it is!

and i have to agree with chris, i don't care how much you enjoy your skiing, it's frakkin weird to be so oblivious as your legs are being shredded off.

Anonymous said...

It's either Sweden's Ädelost or England's Stilton cheese
