Also, I want to think of a name of a new emotion, specifically that mixture of frustration and confusion you get when you are in this exact situation, not remembering why you entered a room. I think it would be a useful emotion to define, but at the moment, I can only think of self-serving names like "Schnorriate" or "Schnorrion". And I'm too lazy to learn the appropriate Latin terms.
Also, I want to think of a name of a new emotion, specifically that mixture of frustration and confusion you get when you are in this exact situation, not remembering why you entered a room. I think it would be a useful emotion to define, but at the moment, I can only think of self-serving names like "Schnorriate" or "Schnorrion". And I'm too lazy to learn the appropriate Latin terms.
awww, i know EXACTLY what you're talking about. yeah, and that's a cute ghost. makes casper look satan satan.
Hey, Don't start adding any more negative connotations to the NAME than it is already cursed with....
Damn it, I was going to type a really funny response to this, but I forgot it...
Oh wait, I remember...drats, no I don't.
Hey, quit writing about your mother!
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