Random Idea

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

egg testing a malfunctioning transporter


Andrew Schnorr said...

Also, did you know that Star Trek-style transporters can theoretically exist, but work somewhat differently than we'd think,. Instead of simply moving all the molecules in your body from one location to another, it would have to make an exact replica of those molecules, in effect, making a duplicate of yourself (if you've seen the movie The Prestige, this is one of the examples of Hollywood/sc-fi getting the science right). In order to do what they do on Star Trek, the original copy would have to be destroyed simultaneously with the creation of the duplicate. My theory is when they "dissolve", that is literally their body being broken down into nothing and destroyed, to prevent two from existing.

What that has to do with this egg, I've yet to conclude.

Dave said...

I prefer mine scrambled....

Chris said...

Whatever you do, don't combine the egg with Jeff Goldblum. Seeing The Fly was traumatizing enough, I don't want to see The Egg.


lucas said...


RandomDude said...


RandomDude said...
